MathWorks MATLAB R2016a X64


MATLAB là phần mềm nổi tiếng của công ty MathWorks, là một ngôn ngữ hiệu năng cao cho tính toán kỹ thuật như được viết trong logo của phần mềm này. Nó tích hợp tính toán, hiện thị và lập trình trong một môi trường dễ sử dụng. Các ứng dụng tiêu biểu của MATLAB bao gồm:
  • Hỗ trợ toán học và tính toán
  • Phát triển thuật toán
  • Mô hình, mô phỏng
  • Phân tích, khảo sát và hiển thị số liệu
  • Đồ họa khoa học và kỹ thuật
  • Phát triển ứng dụng với các giao diện đồ họa.

Các tính năng chính

• Nền tảng độc lập, cao cấp ngôn ngữ lập trình định hướng để tính toán ma trận và phát triển các thuật toán
• Môi trường tương tác cho phát triển mã, quản lý tập tin và dữ liệu
• Thống kê, phân tích Fourier, giải pháp của phương trình vi phân, vv
• Giàu hình tượng, 2-D và đồ họa 3-D
• Tích hợp trong thiết kế giao diện người dùng để tạo các ứng dụng hoàn chỉnh trong MATLAB
• Các công cụ tích hợp với các C / C, thừa kế mã, công nghệ ActiveX

Features R2016a release:

  • Desktop
    • Live Editor: Create and run live scripts with embedded output; add equations and images to enhance the interactive narrative
    • Toolboxes: Programmatically package and install custom MATLAB toolboxes with matlab.addons.toolbox package
    • Tab Completion: Complete parameter names and options in select MATLAB function calls
    • Pause Button: Pause the execution of a program from the Editor and enter debug mode
    • Toolboxes: Customize additions to MATLAB path upon toolbox installation
    • Preferences: Migrate preferences from MATLAB versions up to three releases preceding the release starting up
    • verLessThan Function: Compares releases
    • Internationalization: Default encoding scheme on Mac platforms will change in a future release
  • Language and Programming
    • datetime Object: Set the default locale and format of datetime objects through the Preference panel
    • zeros, ones, and eye Functions: Create logical arrays
    • cellstr, deblank, and strtrim Functions: Keep significant whitespace characters when removing leading or trailing whitespace
    • rowfun and varfun Functions: Create output table without row names when using the 'GroupingVariables' parameter
    • Debugging: Set breakpoints while MATLAB is executing
    • Functionality being removed or changed
  • Mathematics
    • Moving Statistics Functions: Calculate moving statistics using the movmean, movsum, movmedian, movmax, movmin, movvar, and movstd functions
    • datetime and duration Arrays: Compute standard deviations with std
    • datetime and duration Arrays: Ignore NaNs and NaTs using 'omitnan' or 'omitnat' in the functions mean, median, std, and sum
    • graph and digraph Classes: Analyze graphs and networks using centrality and nearest nodes functions
    • svds Function: Compute singular values with improved performance and convergence behavior with a wide variety of matrices
    • median Function: Compute medians with improved performance
    • cummin, cummax, cumprod, and cumsum Functions: Compute cumulative minimum, maximum, product, and sum with improved performance
    • GraphPlot Objects: Interactively inspect graph plots using data cursor and plot selection
  • Graphics
    • polarplot Function: Plot data in polar coordinates and modify properties of polar axes
    • yyaxis Function: Create charts with two y-axes and customize each y-axis individually
    • Legend Object: Add legend title and create callbacks to highlight plots when clicking legend items
    • histogram2 Function: Enable data linking and brushing for bivariate histograms
    • Function Plots: Visualize mathematical expressions as parametric line, surface, and contour plots
    • Graphics Display: Render plots with large numbers of markers faster
    • 3-D Pan and Zoom: Explore data with improved pan and zoom behavior for axes in a 3-D view
    • Graphics Drivers: Use latest drivers to avoid instabilities with older NVIDIA Windows drivers
    • Printed Figure Size: Print or save figures that match size of the figure on the screen by default
    • print Function: Print figures that fill page using the '-fillpage' and '-bestfit' options
    • Figure Menu: Save figures that honor the PaperPosition value using File> Save As
    • Functionality being removed or changed
  • App Building
    • App Designer: Build MATLAB apps with line and scatter plots using an enhanced design environment and an expanded UI component set
  • Data Import and Export
    • writetable Function: Write to text files significantly faster, especially for large files
    • readtable Function: Read from Excel files with faster performance
    • writetable Function: Write to Excel files on Mac and Linux platforms
    • spreadsheetDatastore Function: Import and process data from a collection of Excel files
    • datastore Function: Import a TabularTextDatastore object with improved file format detection
    • ImageDatastore Object: Specify image labels using the Labels property and process with splitEachLabel, countEachLabel, and shuffle functions
    • fileDatastore Function: Create a custom datastore for a file collection too large to fit in memory
    • readtable Function: Read text files with automatic detection of delimiters, header lines, and variable names
    • tabularTextDatastore and imageDatastore Functions: Create objects to import large text and image data collections
    • writetable Function: Detect text with embedded delimiters automatically and write as quoted text
    • TabularTextDatastore Objects: Read text files with automatic detection of delimiters, header lines, and variable names
    • imread Function: Generate C-code using MATLAB Coder
    • Functionality being removed or changed
  • Performance
    • Performance Testing Framework: Measure MATLAB code performance using the unit testing framework
    • Graphics Display: Render plots with large numbers of markers faster
    • writetable Function: Write to text files significantly faster, especially for large files
    • readtable Function: Read from Excel files with faster performance
    • median Function: Compute medians with improved performance
    • cummin, cummax, cumprod, and cumsum Functions: Compute cumulative minimum, maximum, product, and sum with improved performance
  • Hardware Support
    • Raspberry Pi: Acquire images from USB webcams
    • Arduino: Build custom add-ons to interface with additional hardware and software libraries
  • Advanced Software Development
    • Performance Testing Framework: Measure MATLAB code performance using the unit testing framework
    • Unit Testing Framework: Quickly create explicit test suites using testsuite function
    • Unit Testing Framework: Access diagnostic information recorded on test results
    • Unit Testing Framework: Create temporary working folder using the WorkingFolderFixture
    • Unit Testing Framework: Test set membership and uniqueness with HasUniqueElements, IsSubsetOf, and IsSupersetOf constraints
    • Unit Testing Framework: Set up custom fixture to delegate work to another fixture
    • Unit Testing Framework: Exclude specified fields and properties from constraint comparison
    • Unit Testing Framework: Customize how the PathFixture fixture adds folders to the path
    • Property Definition: Restrict the class of property values
    • Property Definition: Define only one property per line in class definitions
    • event.hasListener Function: Determine if an event has listeners
    • event.DynamicPropertyEvent Class: Get dynamic property name from event data
    • Enumerations: Substitute character arrays using new class methods
    • waitfor Function: Suspend execution pending operations on any handle object
    • Source Control Integration: Display relation of local changes to remote branch
    • Source Control Integration: View summary status icon for folders
    • MATLAB Engine for Python: Start or connect asynchronously to MATLAB from Python
    • MATLAB builds with Boost library version 1.56.0
    • MEX command does not accept .bat or .sh compiler options files
    • Compiler support changed for building MEX files and standalone MATLAB engine and MAT-file applications
    • Functionality being removed or changed
System requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
  • Processors: Any Intel or AMD x86 processor supporting SSE2 instruction set
  • Disk Space: 2 GB for MATLAB only, 4-6 GB for a typical installation
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Graphics: No specific graphics card is required. Hardware accelerated graphics card supporting OpenGL 3.3 with 1GB GPU memory recommended.

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